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发表于 2013-5-13 15:10:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大赛简介: 毕马威中国将于2013年5月1日至6月30日举办“我的未来,我做主” 创意大赛。所有全日制在校大学生均可报名参加,赢取多项Apple系列产品。优秀参赛者还将有机会获得毕马威实习机会! 以个人或组队方式参与视频、音乐、平面组别的比赛。通过拍摄一个故事、改编或原创一首歌曲、设计或拍摄一份平面作品的方式,表现 “我眼中的毕马威” 活动主题。 获奖作品将有机会获得专业包装指导,修改编辑后用于毕马威校园招聘的宣传活动,赢得更多赞誉! 大赛流程:[color=100%] 流程 时间 报名参赛及提交作品 5月1日——5月31日 组委会初审 6月上旬 优秀入围作品将上线接受网络票选 6月中旬 结合组委会评选及网络投票,评选最终获奖作品 6月下旬 大赛报名及作品提交: 视频组/歌曲组 请将参赛作品上传至土豆网,并将作品链接及提取密码上传至作品提交区并完成报名。 视频组参赛作品为3分钟左右的高清视频,包含Flash动画(长宽比4:3) 歌曲组参赛作品为3分钟左右的词曲改编或原创歌曲 平面组 请将参赛作品直接上传至作品提交区并完成报名。 参赛作品为高清照片或平面设计(图画、海报等) (格式:JPEG 大小: 20MB以下) 大赛奖项设置: “我的未来,我做主”创意大赛将最终评选出多项大奖(评选奖项将以作品为单位) [color=100%] 一等奖 二等奖 三等奖 视频组 MacBook Air iPhone5 iPad mini 音乐组 iPhone5 iPad mini iPod touch 平面组 iPad mini iPod touch iPod nano 除大奖以外,还将评选出最佳创意奖、网络人气奖,赢取iPad mini。优秀参赛者还将有机会获得毕马威实习机会! 还等什么,赶紧行动起来吧! 备注:视频组/歌曲组/平面组均设一、二、三等奖各一名。 此次活动的最终解释权及成果作品版权归毕马威所有。 2013 KPMG ‘My future, My say’ Competition Introduction KPMG China will be holding the ‘My Future, My Say’Competition between 1 May and 30 June 2013. All full-time university students are welcome to join this competition and will have the opportunity to win Apple products or even be offered an internship at KPMG! Participants can take part as individuals or in teams. They can choose one of the three categories (video, song or graphic design) to present the theme ‘KPMG through my eyes’. We will provide professional training for the winning teams and help them improve and repackage their work for use on the KPMG Graduate Recruitment tours. Timeline[color=100%] Entry Submissions 1- 31 May 2013 Preliminary Screening Early June 2013 Online Voting Mid-June 2013 Final Winners End of June 2013 Entry Submissions Video/Song Video: Prepare a high-definition video or flash animation of around 3 minutes (length/width ratio: 4:3) Song: Prepare an original/adapted song of around 3 minutes Graphic Design Please submit your entry by clicking this link to complete the registration. Prepare a high-resolution photo/picture/poster in JPEG format (no more than 20 MB) Prizes A number of attractive prizes will be awarded to the winners (one prize per entry)[color=100%] 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Video MacBook Air iPhone 5 iPad mini Song iPhone 5 iPad mini iPod touch Graphic Design iPad mini iPod touch iPod nano In addition to the above prizes, you could also win the Most Innovative Award and Most Popular Award for iPad mini. Winners may even be offered an internship at KPMG! Do you think you can do better? Then hurry and join the ‘My Future, My Say’ Competition! Notes: The competition will award one first prize, one second prize and one third prize for each category. KPMG reserves the right to make the final decision and retains copyright of the submitted works. [url] | . .ツ 用ツ
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